Английский разговорный клуб

17 октября в 16:30

hello, friends! this week you're welcome to join us for an exhilarating conversation about Superpowers!

  • if you could give a superpower to someone else, who would it be and what power would you give them?
  • what ethical dilemmas would arise from having superpowers?
  • which fictional universe handled the concept of having superpowers best?
  • what are some of the silliest abilities you can come up with? like having to teleport to your house every time you sneeze, etc.
  • how would society need to change if individuals with superpowers existed among us?

can't wait to hear what powers you guys would love to have and how they would stack up against each other!


Санкт-Петербург, набережная реки Мойки, 90

Мастер-класс по бенто-тортам
20 октября в 11:00